Application of ischemic preconditioning in the rehabilitation of miners suffered from the vibration disease

Autor: Ilya D. Martynov, A. V. Yamshchikova, M. O. Gidayatova, Arnold N. Fleishman
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: Hygiene and sanitation. 100:700-703
ISSN: 2412-0650
Popis: Introduction. Vibration disease is characterized by the early development of sensory polyneuropathy. Sensitive disorders significantly worsen the quality of life and increase the duration of the unemployable period of miners, which requires the search for new modern methods of correction and rehabilitation. Ischemic preconditioning is a promising direction in the treatment of occupationally caused polyneuropathies. However, its potential neuroprotective effect has not been sufficiently studied. The aim of the study was to evaluate the effectiveness of ischemic preconditioning of the upper extremities for the correction of sensory polyneuropathy manifestations in miners with vibration disease. Material and methods. Seventy-eight persons with a proven diagnosis of vibration disease were examined. According to a specially elaborated technique, the ischemic preconditioning of the upper extremities was performed in 46 patients who were included in the leading group; 32 patients made up the control group. The clinical and electroneuromyographic examination was carried out before the ischemic preconditioning procedure and on the 5th day of the study. Results. The initial clinical and neurophysiological indices in both groups did not differ statistically significant and indicated sensory polyneuropathy. After ischemic preconditioning, the subjects of the leading group showed an improvement in clinical and functional indices (reduction of numbness and paresthesia, improvement of vibration sensitivity, an increase in the sensory conduction velocity of impulse and the amplitudes of sensory responses) of the peripheral nerves of the upper extremities. In contrast, in the control group, there was no statistically significant change in objective indices. Conclusion. Ischemic preconditioning of the upper extremities is effective in the rehabilitation of miners with vibration disease, helps to reduce the manifestations of sensory polyneuropathy, sensitive disorders and normalize neurophysiological indices. Contribution: Yamshchikova A.V. — the concept and design of the study, collection and processing of material, collection of literature data, writing a text; Martynov I.D. — processing of material, collection of literature data, editing; Fleishman A.N. — processing of material, editing; Gidayatova M.O. — collection and processing of material. All authors are responsible for the integrity of all parts of the manuscript and approval of the manuscript final version. Conclusion of the Biomedical Ethics Committee of the Research Institute for Complex Problems of Hygiene and Occupational Diseases: the study was carried out with the informed consent of the subjects and complies with the ethical standards of the Bioethical Committee of the Research Institute for Complex Problems of Hygiene and Occupational Diseases, developed in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki by the World Association “Ethical Principles for Conducting Scientific Research with Human Participation” as amended in 2013 and “Rules of Clinical Practice in the Russian Federation” approved by the Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation No. 266 dated June 19, 2003. Conflict of interest. The authors declare no conflict of interest. Acknowledgement. The study had no sponsorship.
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