Challenges Faced by People Living With Lower Limb Amputation Secondary to Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. A Qualitative Study at Apromase Global Evangelical Hospital-kumasi

Autor: Dorothy Serwaa Boakye, Vida Maame Kissiwaa Amoah, Christian Amoah, Spike Asare Akrasi, Peter Akrugu
Rok vydání: 2022
Popis: Background: Considering the burden of diabetes mellitus and its associated complications which includes limb amputation, an investigation into the challenges faced by persons with limb amputation cannot be downplayed. Amputation is a surgical method by which a part or the whole extremity is removed. Objective: The main objective of the study was to explore the challenges faced by people with lower limb amputation secondary to type II diabetes mellitus Method: The study followed a qualitative research approach using an explorative, narrative and descriptive design. Thirteen participants who had their limbs amputated at the Global Evangelical hospital were purposively sampled and interviewed using an interview guide. Data analysis was done using thematic analysis. Result: The study revealed four main themes. All of the participants had an incapacitating physical challenge after amputation of the lower limb. Psychologically/ emotionally, all of the amputees were affected negatively though some had better coping strategies. Socio-economical challenge was common to them all. The males who were bread winners of their families had more serious economic issues than the females. Their coping strategies were mostly, thinking positive, having faith in God as well as social support and rehabilitation. Conclusion: Participants faced enormous challenges from cost of treating diabetes mellitus to limb amputation and associated challenges which include psychological/emotional, physical and socio-economic.
Databáze: OpenAIRE