Plant Regeneration by Organogenesis from Callus and Cell Suspension Cultures

Autor: Elizabeth E. Hansen, Gregory C. Phillips, John F. Hubstenberger
Rok vydání: 1995
Zdroj: Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture ISBN: 9783642489747
Popis: The classical plant species used for illustrating de novo organogenesis is tobacco (Skoog and Miller 1957). The first step toward de novo regeneration is to establish callus or cell suspension cultures. Explant tissues generally show distinct planes of cell division, various specializations of cells, and organization into specialized structures such as the vascular system. Callus formation from explant tissue involves the development of progressively more random planes of cell division, less frequent specialization of cells, and loss of organized structures (Thorpe 1980; Wagley et al. 1987).
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