Function and Pattern Extrapolation with Product-Unit Networks

Autor: Babette Dellen, Uwe Jaekel, Marcell Wolnitza
Rok vydání: 2019
Zdroj: Lecture Notes in Computer Science ISBN: 9783030227401
ICCS (2)
Popis: Neural networks are a popular method for function approximation and data classification and have recently drawn much attention because of the success of deep-learning strategies. Artificial neural networks are built from elementary units that generate a piecewise, often almost linear approximation of the function or pattern. To improve the extrapolation of nonlinear functions and patterns beyond the training domain, we propose to augment the fundamental algebraic structure of neural networks by a product unit that computes the product of its inputs raised to the power of their weights. Linearly combining their outputs in a weighted sum allows representing most nonlinear functions known in calculus, including roots, fractions and approximations of power series. We train the network using stochastic gradient descent. The enhanced extrapolation capabilities of the network are demonstrated by comparing the results for a function and pattern extrapolation task with those obtained using the nonlinear support vector machine (SVM) and a standard neural network (standard NN). Convergence behavior of stochastic gradient descent is discussed and the feasibility of the approach is demonstrated in a real-world application in image segmentation.
Databáze: OpenAIRE