Application of Finite Difference Methods to the Ventilation of polluted Air in Rooms

Autor: Koku Matsumoto, Masatoshi Inoue, Yoshie Yamamoto, Kanako Imai
Rok vydání: 1964
Zdroj: Eisei kagaku. 10:188-191
ISSN: 0013-273X
DOI: 10.1248/jhs1956.10.188
Popis: The present investigation was undertaken to apply the finite difference methods to the ventilation of polluted air in rooms. Linear finite difference equation of the first order is U (t+1)=a {U (t)+b}, where U (t) and U (t+1) are the concentrations of carbondioxide in rooms at t and (t+1) hours respectively, and a is a ventilation constant (a〓0), b is the volume of carbon dioxide produced per hour. The general solution above equation is U (t)=Cat+U*, where U* is equilibrium value, C is the arbitrary constant, and t is time, in case of |a
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