Extracting and Ingesting DDI Metadata and Digital Objects from a Data Archive into the iRODS Extension of the NARA TPAP Using the OAI-PMH

Autor: Jonathan Crabtree, Mason Chua, Jewel H. Ward, Antoine de Torcy
Rok vydání: 2009
Zdroj: eScience
Popis: This prototype demonstrated that the migration of collections between digital libraries and preservation data archives is now possible using automated batch load for both data and metadata. We used this capability to enable collection interoperability between the H.W. Odum Institute for Research in Social Science (Odum) Data Archive and the integrated Rule Oriented Data System (iRODS) extension of the National Archives and Record Administration's (NARA) Transcontinental Persistent Archive Prototype (TPAP). We extracted data and metadata from a Dataverse data archive and ingested it into the iRODS server and metadata catalog using the OAI-PMH, Java, XML/XSL and iRODS rules and microservices. We validated ingest of the files and retained the required Terms & Conditions for the social science data after ingest.
Databáze: OpenAIRE