Genre features and linguistic specificity of folklore works in the Tobolsk Irtysh land (Russia)

Autor: Tamara Pavlovna Kovina, Zagida Efendievna Dandamaeva, Marina Alexandrovna Kindzerskaya, Marina Borisovna Serpikova, Sergey Ivanovich Shсherbina
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: Revista EntreLinguas. :e021085
ISSN: 2447-3529
DOI: 10.29051/el.v7iesp.4.15632
Popis: Purpose of the study was to designate the genre features of the pobyvalshchina and identify its linguistic specificity. The authors establishing the semantic content of the term and determining the legitimacy of using this term to the genre that is common among the speakers of Russian old-time dialects in the Tobolsk Irtysh Land. The research is based on the practice of collecting, describing, and mapping dialectisms of the Russian language. A brief analysis of the texts showed that the pobyvalshchina of this region is characterized by traditional features of other genres of oral and prose narration. It differs from other epic genres as it is designed to teach the listener and convey some kind of guidance in everyday life. The linguistic framework of the pobyvalshchina is made up of colloquial vocabulary.
Databáze: OpenAIRE