11-P-23 - Ultrastable zeolites Y (USY) modified with phosphorus and boron

Autor: A.V. Abramova, A.A. Kubasov, Y.V. Slivinsky, L.Y. Kitaev, Hans Lechert, V. V. Yushchenko, W. D. Basler, Z.M. Matieva
Rok vydání: 2001
Popis: Publisher Summary This chapter discusses ultrastable zeolites Y (USY) modified with phosphorus and boron. USY zeolite has been modified by an acid treatment with phosphoric acid (H3PO4) and boric acid (H3BO3). The properties of the modified samples have been investigated by various methods. After loading with platinum, the catalytic properties with respect to n-hexane isomerisation have been studied. The modification significantly changes the adsorption properties. The modified catalysts are more active in n-hexane isomerization than USY.
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