Doubly excited resonances in the photoionization spectrum of Li+: experiment and theory

Autor: Erik D. Emmons, Ignacio Alvarez, Daniela Leitner, R. A. Phaneuf, Alfred S. Schlachter, S W J Scully, M S Lubell, Alfred Müller, W. Shi, Carmen Cisneros, Brendan M. McLaughlin, Connor Ballance, Stefan Schippers, Ralph Püttner, M. F. Gharaibeh
Rok vydání: 2006
Zdroj: Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics. 39:3957-3968
ISSN: 1361-6455
Popis: Absolute cross-section measurements for resonant double photoexcitation of Li + ions followed by autoionization have been performed at high resolution in the photon energy range from 148 eV, just below the 2s2p, 2(0, 1) + resonance, to 198 eV (the region of the double ionization threshold). The measurements have been made using the photon–ion merged-beam endstation at the Advanced Light Source, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, USA. The absolute cross-section measurements show excellent agreement with theoretical results from the R-matrix plus pseudo-state (RMPS) method. Comparisons between theory and experiment for the Auger resonance energies, autoionization linewidth (� ) and the Fano line profile index q for several members of the principal 2snp, 2(0, 1) + and 3snp, 3(1, 1) + Rydberg series found in the photoionization spectra for the 1 P o symmetry show satisfactory accord. (Some figures in this article are in colour only in the electronic version)
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