Analysis and visualization of health data from the CAB dataset

Autor: Mitaxi Mehta, Yesha Bhavsar
Rok vydání: 2017
Zdroj: 2017 International Conference on Algorithms, Methodology, Models and Applications in Emerging Technologies (ICAMMAET).
Popis: Many datasets contain variables that take binary values. Often one would like to subset the data set according to the value of such a binary variables and compare and contrast the statistical parameters for such subsets. We have written an R code to analyze such datasets and create plots to give comparison of mean of variables for such binary partitions. We show the result of this analysis for the CAB database which has health data from several Indian states. The data contains survey from the year 2014 with total 53 health indicators, covering 8 states and with total data 13.8 MB. We also show the state-wise means of several partitioned and normalized variables using a single plot. Two binary variables have been used, a demographic one (rural/urban) and the gender (male/female), to partition and compare the database.
Databáze: OpenAIRE