Multispecies Occupancy Modeling as a Tool for Evaluating the Status and Distribution of Darters in the Elk River, Tennessee

Autor: Phillip W. Bettoli, Kathryn M. Potoka, Colin P. Shea
Rok vydání: 2016
Zdroj: Transactions of the American Fisheries Society. 145:1110-1121
ISSN: 1548-8659
Popis: Sixteen darter species, including the federally endangered Boulder Darter Etheostoma wapiti, are known to occur in the Elk River, a large, flow-regulated tributary of the Tennessee River, Tennessee–Alabama. Since the construction of Tims Ford Dam (TFD) in 1970, habitat modification caused by cold, hypolimnetic water releases and peak-demand hydropower generation has contributed to population declines and range reductions for numerous aquatic species in the main-stem Elk River. We developed Bayesian hierarchical multispecies occupancy models to determine the influence of site- and species-level characteristics on darter occurrence by using presence–absence data for 15 species collected from 39 study sites. Modeling results indicated that large-river obligate species, such as the Boulder Darter, were 6.92 times more likely to occur for every 37-km increase in the distance downstream from TFD. In contrast, small-stream species were 2.35 times less likely and cosmopolitan species were 1.88 times less ...
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