Wzrost różnorodności gatunkowej chrobotków jako efekt rębni zupełnej na ubogich siedliskach borowych

Autor: Stefańska-Krzaczek, Ewa, Fałtynowicz, Wiesław
Jazyk: polština
Rok vydání: 2013
DOI: 10.26202/sylwan.2013030
Popis: Clear−cutting impacts site conditions seriously. However, in nutrient−poor sites the effects of stand removal can be minor than in nutrient−rich sites. The aim of this work was to assess whether the clear−cut can improve species diversity of ground Cladonia species, which decline has been observed in forest communities. In stands of different age classes (≤10, 11−20, 21−40, 41−60, 61−80, ≥81 years) in the Przymuszewo Forest District (northern Poland) ground Cladonia species and their cover were recorded on research plots (10×15 m). A total of 24 species were identified in the study area. There were more Cladonia species and they were more abundant in young stands (Cladonia species depended primarily on stand age and subsequently on canopy or bryophyte cover. In nutrient−poor sites clear−cutting is favourable for Cladonia species diversity.
Sylwan 157 (12): 929-936
Databáze: OpenAIRE