Excitatory Amino Acid Receptors, Oxido-reductive Processes and Brain Oedema Following Transient Ischaemia in Gerbils

Autor: B. B. Mršulja, Danica B. Stanimirovic, Maria Spatz, D. V. Mićić
Rok vydání: 1990
Zdroj: Brain Edema VIII ISBN: 9783709191170
Popis: A key mechanism of brain injury after cerebral ischaemia is supposed to be the iron-dependent formation of highly reactive oxygen free radicals initiated by the intracellular accumulation of calcium and promoted by the excess release of glutamate. Oxido-reductive processes (formation of superoxide radicals and lipid peroxidation) are mediated through NMDA-receptors, while non-NMDA receptors, associated with (or being a part of) Na,K-ATPase, are responsible for postischaemic brain swelling. The hypothesis was put forward for consideration that release of glutamate (and other related endogenous excitatory amino acids) due to depolarization in the early minutes of ischaemia and (non)-NMDA antagonists may have roles in the development and prevention of metabolic brain impairment and cytotoxic oedema, respectively, in the ischaemic state.
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