Beidseitige, von infraturbinalen Kieferhöhlenfenstern ausgehende Choanalpolypen

Autor: I. Konstantinidis, E. Tsakiropoulou, I. Vital, Jannis Constantinidis, V. Vital
Rok vydání: 2008
Zdroj: Laryngo-Rhino-Otologie. 87:417-419
ISSN: 1438-8685
DOI: 10.1055/s-2007-995464
Popis: We present the first reported case of simultaneously occurring bilateral antrochoanal polyps in a 49-year-old female patient, originated from previously performed inferior antrostomies as a treatment for chronic maxillary sinusitis. The antrochoanal polyps were removed by endoscopic surgery with combined approach through the inferior and middle meatal antrostomies. Microscopic analysis of the specimens showed benign inflammatory antrochoanal polyps. Follow-up appointment 6 months postoperatively showed patent antrostomies and no recurrence of the disease. Endoscopic treatment with middle meatal antrostomy is the recommended technique in most cases of antrochoanal polyps as the greater portion of the antral part of the polyp can be removed with the healthy antral mucosa left intact promoting epithelialization and mucociliary clearance of the antrum. Inferior antrostomy can be an additional part of the operation in selected cases.
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