Recent devolopments in the orbitron Maser

Autor: Mark Rader, Fred Dyer, Igor Alexeff
Rok vydání: 2005
Zdroj: [Conference Digest] International Conference on Millimeter Wave and Far-Infrared Technology: ICMWFT '90.
DOI: 10.1109/icmwft.1989.763915
Popis: The Orbitron MASER is a device which can be used to produce millimeter and submillimeter radiation. Frequencies up to 1 THz have been observed. It can be operated in a pulsed mode or in a steady state mode, using a hot cathode or glow discharge as a source for electrons. In some experiments we have used the entire outer wall of the device as a hot cathode. We have also been using the device as a fast opening switch.
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