Construction of Non-Uniform Parseval Wavelet Frames for L2 (R) via UEP

Autor: Hari Krishan Malhotra, Lalit Kumar Vashisht
Rok vydání: 2019
Zdroj: 2019 13th International conference on Sampling Theory and Applications (SampTA).
Popis: We study the construction of non-uniform Parseval wavelet frames for the Lebesgue space L2 (R), where the related translation set is not necessary a group. The unitary extension principle (UEP) and generalized (or oblique) extension principle (OEP) for the construction of multi-generated non-uniform Parseval wavelet frames for L2 (R) are discussed. Some examples are also given to illustrate our results.
Databáze: OpenAIRE