Respiratory diseases admissions due to the smog episode in Warsaw in January 2017

Autor: Piotr Oskar Czechowski, Piotr Dąbrowiecki, Andrzej Chciałowski, Tomasz Owczarek, Artur Badyda
Rok vydání: 2018
Zdroj: Epidemiology.
Popis: Objective: SMOG episodes appear due to high air pollutants concentration and specific meteorological conditions (thermal inversion, high atmospheric pressure, no wind, no precipitation). In Poland above 50% of PM emission originates from coal and wood burning in individual households which, according to Badyda et al. (10.1183/1393003.congress-2017.OA1777), increase the risk of respiratory diseases. Materials and Methods: Data on hospital admissions, visits to primary and specialist outpatient health care (from the National Health Fund) as well as PM2.5 and PM10 concentrations in Warsaw (from the Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection) in January 2017 has been compared with the situation in January 2016. Analysis of variance has been conducted (with statistical significance p Results: PM10 concentration in 01.2017 exceeded the 24-hour WHO recommended value for 19-22 days and PM2.5 for 25-28 days (depending on station). Comparing to 01.2016 significant (p Conclusion: During 15 years of air quality monitoring history in Poland such smog episode has not been observed. Increase in the number of people hospitalized and demanding other medical care due to exacerbations of asthma or other respiratory disorders most likely resulted from the increase of PM concentration.
Databáze: OpenAIRE