Veränderung des Gefäßwiderstands der Arteria umbilicalis, der fetalen Bewegung und der Herzzeitvariation durch Hypnose – Erste Ergebnisse

Autor: H. Hüsken-Janßen, Sven Schiermeier, J. Reinhard, H. Hatzmann
Rok vydání: 2009
Zdroj: Zeitschrift für Geburtshilfe und Neonatologie. 213:23-26
ISSN: 1439-1651
DOI: 10.1055/s-0028-1128127
Popis: BACKGROUND: The aim of this study was to determine whether there are any changes in short time variation (STV), foetal movements, and blood flow in the umbilical artery in the trance state. METHODS: Six pregnant patients who had already attended two hypnoreflexogenous birth preparation course units had a standardised hypnosis intervention under cardiotocography (CTG). Using the CTG-Player ® STVs and foetal movements were calculated from the electronically saved CTG traces and evaluated against control CTGs recorded before and after hypnosis. Before and after the induction of hypnosis, blood flow in the umbilical artery was measured. RESULTS: Using the Wilcoxon test there is a significant lowering of blood flow resistance in the umbilical artery after hypnosis (p=0.042). There was a trend that the foetal movements increas at the beginning of the trance (Wilcoxon test, p=0.075). There was no significant difference in the STVs before, during and after trance. CONCLUSIONS: Preliminary results showed that blood flow of the umbilical artery can be improved by hypnosis. Further clinical studies are required to verify this hypothesis. The subjective impression of participants that foetal movements increase at the beginning of the trance seems to be correct.
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