Generalization in France Telecom Network of Decentralized Power Supplies for Telecom Systems

Autor: Didier Marquet, A. Griers, D. Jugan, M. Aubree, J.-P. Leblanc
Rok vydání: 1994
Zdroj: TELESCON '94 - The First International Telecommunications Energy Special Conference.
DOI: 10.1109/telesc.1994.4794310
Popis: After a description of the common elements of the two decentralized power stations, GEODE and ALFATEL, designed and used by FRANCE TELECOM for its own power needs, this paper gives the main characteristics of each one about reliability, modular design and their control and management network. The paper ends with the range of equipment and their state of settling in FRANCE TELECOM network with the results of operational availability
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