
Autor: Erika Ito, Tomoaki Hashima, Yu Ebihara, Mikiko Iwakuma, Shunsuke Taura, Naohito Okude
Rok vydání: 2010
Zdroj: Conference on Designing Interactive Systems
DOI: 10.1145/1858171.1858210
Popis: Osusowake means to share food or other things with neighbors and is a traditional communication style in the Japanese culture. People often osusowake(share) dishes they have cooked or things they have received from others with a kind message such as "Okimochi desuga (I am happy to give you this)." Osusowake has functioned as a means of developing community. However, the tradition of Osusowake or even simple neighborhood bonding no longer exists among people living in urban areas. Sharebee is an attachment to encourage people to osusowake and help organize urban residential community.
Databáze: OpenAIRE