The effect of Strength Training on Normalizing the Tone and Strength of Spastic Elbow Flexors in Subjects with Stroke

Autor: K. Madhavi, P V S R Bharath Kumar, V Sri Kumari
Rok vydání: 2013
Zdroj: Indian Journal of Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy - An International Journal. 7:45
ISSN: 0973-5674
Popis: Objectives: This study is designed to find out whether strength training can normalize the tone in spastic upper extremity muscles and improve the strength of the spastic upper extremity muscles. Materials and Method: The study was conducted on 30 subjects with elbow flexors spasticity and were divided into experimental and control groups. Both the groups received conventional physiotherapy and Experimental group received strength training in addition. The parameters like strength and spasticity were measured isokinetically. Result: The strength training program had no statistical significant effect on tone of the spastic elbow flexors between the two groups. t value 0.48 at p value 0.636(not significant) There is a statistically significant difference between two groups in the strength with the improvement in the experimental group. t value 6.03 at p value Conclusion: This study concludes that strengthening program has minimal effect on spasticity & effective in improving the strength without deleterious effect on spasticity.
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