Degradable Starch Microspheres Infusion: Basic Considerations for Treatment of Hepatic Neoplasia

Autor: Leif Håkansson, Hans Starkhammar, Stefan Ekberg, John Svedberg, Rune Sjödahl, Olallo Morales
Rok vydání: 1987
Zdroj: Cancer Chemotherapy by Infusion ISBN: 9789401079327
DOI: 10.1007/978-94-009-3193-0_43
Popis: The rationale for giving cytostatic drugs by the intra-arterial (i.a.) route is to achieve a regionally high concentration of drug while limiting systemic toxicity. This method can be employed for the majority of clinically detectable liver tumors, since they mainly depend on arterial blood supply, whereas small metastases are mainly supplied by the portal blood flow.1–4 The effect of i.a. administered chemotherapeutic agents has generally not been as good as expected,5–8 to some extent because of rapid washing out by the arterial flow. With the aim of reinforcing the advantages of this route of administration, manipulation of the arterial blood flow has been tried in several ways. Permanent ligation of the hepatic artery alone or combined with infusion of a cytostatic drug into an arterial catheter generally results in short-lasting tumor regression owing to the rapid development of collateral arteries to the liver.9,10
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