Robust quantum dot exciton preparation via adiabatic passage with frequency-swept laser pulses

Autor: Paul A. Dalgarno, Thierry Amand, Aristide Lemaître, B. Chatel, Bernhard Urbaszek, Christoph Simon, Richard J. Warburton, Xavier Marie, Pierre Renucci, T. Belhadj, Olivier Krebs
Rok vydání: 2011
Zdroj: Ultrafast Phenomena in Semiconductors and Nanostructure Materials XV.
ISSN: 0277-786X
Popis: The energy states in semiconductor quantum dots are discrete as in atoms, and quantum states can be coherently controlled with resonant laser pulses. Long coherence times allow the observation of Rabi-flopping of a single dipole transition in a solid state device, for which occupancy of the upper state depends sensitively on the dipole moment and the excitation laser power. We report on the robust preparation of a quantum state using an optical technique that exploits rapid adiabatic passage from the ground to an excited state through excitation with laser pulses whose frequency is swept through the resonance.
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