Optical Coherence Tomography Findings of Active Ocular Toxoplasmosis Complicated with Serous Macular Detachment: Case Report

Autor: Mehmet Kola, Halil İbrahim Imamoğlu, Adem Türk, Hidayet Erdöl, Nurettin Akyol
Rok vydání: 2010
Zdroj: Turkiye Klinikleri Journal of Medical Sciences. 30:1409-1412
ISSN: 1300-0292
Popis: ABS TRACT In this study we pre sent the struc tu ral vit re o re ti nal chan ges ob ser ved du ring the cli ni cal fol low-up of a 35-ye ar-old fe ma le pa ti ent pre sen ting with se ro us ma cu lar de tach ment comp li ca ted with ac ti ve ocu lar to xop las mo sis. The pa ti ent app li ed to the oph thal mo logy out pa ti ent cli nic with the comp la int of im pa i red vi si on in the left eye; du ring her cli ni cal fol low-up her ac ti ve to x op las ma cho ri o re ti ni tis and ac com pan ying se ro us ma cu lar de tach ment (SMD) in the ma cu la of the sa me eye we re eva lu a ted with op ti cal co he ren ce to mog raphy (OCT). In the OCT sec ti ons en com pas sing the ac ti ve le si on, the re was in cre a sed ref lec tan ce and thic ke ning in pos te ri or hya lo id mem bra ne and re ti nal la yers as well as lo cal flu id col lec ti on in the sub re ti nal spa ce. Se con dary to in cre a sed re ti nal ref lec tan ce, re ti nal pig ment epit he li um-cho ri o ca pil la ris junc ti on de mons tra ted fo cal sha do wing. The cli ni cal fin dings of the pa ti ent im pro ved with tre at ment. Du ring her con trol OCT exa mi na ti on, it was se en that pos te ri or hya lo id mem bra ne at the si te of the le si on was de tac hed, col lec ted flu id un der ne ath the re ti na was re sol ved, re ti nal tis su e be ca me thin ner with ir re gu lar la yers and the sup pres sed ref lec tan ce of the re ti nal pig ment epit he li um-cho ri o ca pil la ris junc ti on was par ti ally im pro ved. OCT sec ti ons at the le vel of ma cu la de mons tra ted to tal di sap pe a ran ce of
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