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Rodriguez-Ochoa, R., Alonso, H., Olarieta, J.R. 2018. Soils and Pinus nigra ssp. salzmanii plantations in La Rioja (Spain). Ecosistemas 27(2): 126-135. Doi.: 10.7818/ECOS.1559 There is a need to incorporate soil information into distribution and growth models of forest plant species. This information is particularly scarce for Pinus nigra ssp. salzmanii Arn in La Rioja. The soils, microclimate, vegetation, and growth of this species were studied in 18 sample plots in plantations in central La Rioja. Soils with clay iluviation (Alfisols and Argiudolls) predominate on piedmont sediments, while Inceptisols and Mollisols predominate on limestone, and Entisols and Alfisols on siliceous sandstone and mudstone. Soils were rarely classified within lithic or shallow taxa. Site index at age 30 years for P. nigra varied between 5.5 m and 11.5 m, and increased with increasing rootable depth and pH, coarse fragments, and sand content, and decreased with increasing concentration of exchangeable magnesium in the surface mineral horizon of soils.The specific composition of the spontaneous vegetation was related both to soil and climate variables but also to the site preparation techniques used for plantation. Soil information is an essential requirement to understand ecosystem functioning. |