Loss of Histochemically Demonstrable Catecholamines in the Glomus Cells of the Carotid Body After α-Methylparatyrosine Treatment

Autor: Olli Korkala, Mats Grönblad
Rok vydání: 1977
Zdroj: Chemoreception in the Carotid Body ISBN: 9783540084556
Popis: A statistically significant decrease in the intensity of catecholamine fluorescence of some carotid body glomus cells was observed after inhibition of the enzyme tyrosine hydroxylase by injection of 80 mg/kg α-methylparatyrosine. The intensity of the formaldehyde-induced fluorescene was measured in individual glomus cells. The maximum decrease in the intensity was observed 4–6 h after the a-methylparatyrosine injection. This suggests a rapid turnover in the catecholamines of carotid body.
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