A Comparable Study of Ovarian Response to Controlled Ovarian Stimulation between Overweight/Obese and Normal Weight Women with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome Whom Undergone Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection

Autor: Zainab Shakir Mahmood, Zena Mahdi al Hindawi, Muhjah Falah Hassan
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development.
ISSN: 0976-0245
DOI: 10.37506/ijphrd.v11i3.17285
Popis: The prevalence of obesity is increasing world-wide. Obesity is considered to have a vital role in thepathogenesis of polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). An assisted reproduction technique, Intra cytoplasmicsperm injection (ICSI), has been used increasingly for the infertility management in those patients. However,data regarding the effects of obesity on the outcome of this technique in PCOS patients is limited.Aim: This study compared the response to controlled ovarian stimulation (COS) between overweight/obeseand normal weight women with PCOS whom undergone ICSI.Materials and Method: 53 PCOS infertile females were included. They were divided according to theirbody mass index (BMI) into two groups: (Group I normal weight and group II overweight and obese). Bothwere included in COS/ICSI program. Assessment of total dose of gonadotropins, duration of stimulatedcycles, total number of retrieved oocytes, their quality and development of OHSS was undertaken.Results: The study showed that despite being insignificant, the total dose of gonadotropin used for stimulationof group II women was higher than that used for women in group I: 1729.06 iu vs 1380.00, p-value=0.1with a longer duration cycle 10.0 days vs 9.4, p-value=0.5, the mean total number of retrieved oocytes fromthe group II was more than that from group I women, while the mean total number of immature oocytesretrieved from group II women was significantly less than that from group I (1.7% vs 3.7%, p-value=0.04).The rate of developing OHSS in group II was more than that in group I.Conclusion: Overweight and obese PCOS women need higher doses of gonadotropin to be stimulated withlonger duration of the treatment cycle; howerever, they produce a higher number of oocytes with a highermaturity during COS. Also, they are more likely to develop OHSS when stimulated in comparison to normalweight PCOS women.
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