Uncertainty Management: Understanding Why May Lead to How to Do it

Autor: L.S. Sandjivy, A.S. Shtuka
Rok vydání: 2014
Zdroj: Proceedings.
ISSN: 2214-4609
DOI: 10.3997/2214-4609.20147456
Popis: The poster illustrates an operational concept for uncertainty management in E&P, to maximize the value of oil/gas reservoirs (i.e. the number of producible barrels per dollar spent at each and every step of the exploration/production cycle). Managing uncertainty in E&P means the ability to quantify and propagate uncertainty throughout successive geoscience workflows, always using a consistent and objective geostatistics model. Two recent case studies illustrate uncertainty management in E&P. The first case study shows how to successfully implement a new exploration well. The second shows how to optimize safety in storing high intensity nuclear waste in a shale environment.
Databáze: OpenAIRE