중국어권 학습자 조사 습득에서의 오류와 원인 분석 -구조격 조사 ‘가’와 ‘를’의 대치 오류에 관한 생성문법적 접근-

Autor: 한춘희 ( Chun Hui Han ), 김의수 ( Ui Su Kim )
Rok vydání: 2009
Zdroj: Journal of Korean Language Education. 20:29-52
ISSN: 1225-6137
Popis: This paper aims to classify errors from Chinese learners` use of Case particles in Korean language and clarify reasons behind some of them from the point of Generative grammar. There are three types of errors in Chinese learners` use of Case particles in Korean and we focus on the alternation between Nominative Case marker(henceforth, NCM) and Accusative Case marker(henceforth, ACM). Firstly, errors in are due to misunderstanding of lexical properties of Korean verbs and lack of knowledge of syntactic rules such as subject→object raising and object→subject raising used in Korean. Secondly, errors in are also caused by misunderstanding of lexical properties of Korean verbs. Interestingly, all the errors related to lexical properties happen as a result of L1 interference. On the other hand, errors related to syntactic rules only arise from insufficient knowledge of Korean. Such research enables us to develop methodology that will help teach Chinese learners how to use Case particles in Korean. (Hankuk University of Foreign Studies)
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