Lake of the Woods phyto- and picoplankton: spatiotemporal patterns in blooms, community composition, and nutrient status

Autor: Hedy Kling, Susan B. Watson
Rok vydání: 2017
Zdroj: Lake and Reservoir Management. 33:415-432
ISSN: 2151-5530
Popis: Watson SB and Kling H. 2017. Lake of the Woods phyto- and picoplankton: spatiotemporal patterns in blooms, community composition, and nutrient status. Lake Reserve Manage. 33:415–432.This study evaluated the phytoplankton and trophic status in Lake of the Woods (LOW; Ontario, Canada), a large, multi-basin waterbody with marked gradients in water quality and annual cyanobacterial blooms. We combined a broad comparison of average total phosphorus (TP)–biomass relationships in LOW and other north temperate lakes with a detailed spatiotemporal analysis of net-, nanno-, and picoplankton, total bacterioplankton, nutrient status, and water quality across six hydrological sectors of the lake between 2008 and 2010. Average total phytoplankton biomass (TB) varied considerably among zones and years but, similar to TP, was highest in the shallower, more eutrophic southern zones with a generally lower than average TB/TP yield within the among-lakes dataset. Summer–fall blooms of N2-fixing cyanobacteria were do...
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