Gastrointestinale Komplikationen bei Kindern mit hämolytischurämischem Syndrom

Autor: Gross R, Uszycka-Karcz M, Karcz J
Rok vydání: 1984
Zdroj: European Journal of Pediatric Surgery. 39:373-375
ISSN: 1439-359X
DOI: 10.1055/s-2008-1044248
Popis: Eight children out of 106 with haemolytic-uraemic syndrome (HUS) had marked gastrointestinal complications requiring close cooperation between the paediatrician and paediatric surgeon. These children showed signs of ileus and peritonitis. Six children hat these complications in the prodromal stage, whereas the other two children showed them in the anuria stage. The complications were closely connected with multiple erosions of the mucosa and ulcerations of the intestinal wall which resulted in perforation of the intestinal wall in two cases. In two further cases, intestinal vagination was seen which was limited toward the small intestine. All operated children died. The authors are of the opinion that prognosis in HUS with severe gastrointestinal complications is very infaust.
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