«Det lærte jeg egentlig ingen ting om da jeg studerte»: Ideologiske spenninger i høyere utøvende musikkutdanning

Autor: Simen Skrebergene, Sigrid Røyseng, John Vinge
Rok vydání: 2022
DOI: 10.23865/noasp.160.ch4
Popis: This chapter outlines and discusses tensions within the ideological curriculum domain of higher music education; that is, various and often internally contested beliefs about what higher music education should teach, to what end, and for what reason. These tensions are brought to light by analysing qualitative interviews with 57 professional musicians representing a breadth of musical genres and practises. We have asked for the informants’ thoughts and reflection about their own education in light of their current working situation: In what way did they see that their own education prepared them for the professional life they were going into? What qualities do they attribute to their own education and what shortcomings are highlighted? The analysis highlights tensions between new and old teaching methods, between conservative traditions and more progressive endeavours, between art and business. These tensions are largely in line with prior music educational research that advocates for a revision of traditional music conservatory programs to meet the constant changes in the professional field of music.
Databáze: OpenAIRE