Structural features of the chinchilla pelts haircovering of different color types

Autor: Biotechnologies – Mva by K. I. Skryabin, Moscow, Russian Federation, N. А. Balakirev, T. V. Reusova, M. V. Novikov, Animal Products
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: Veterinariya, Zootekhniya i Biotekhnologiya. 1:55-64
ISSN: 2311-455X
Popis: In order to form national chinchilla breeding market sector it is necessary to determine the main parameters that can characterize chinchilla furs of local production, classify them as fur and peltry and establish standard indicators for this kind of commercial production. Chinchilla peltry with its softness, tenderness, velvety texture and high aesthetic properties are in great demand by consumers. The article provides information on the structure of chinchilla hair-covering, characteristics of hair types, hair form, degree of tortuosity. The results of the study of the length and thickness of the down hair according to the color type of chinchilla pelts and topographical part (spine, rump or side) are given in the article. The author gives recommendations on chinchilla selection in order to improve the pelt quality.
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