Characterization of local hydride re-orientation in high burn-up PWR fuel rods induced by high pressure at high temperatures

Autor: Z. Burns, Yanfa Yan, T. S. Smith, B. Bevard
Rok vydání: 2016
Zdroj: MRS Advances. 2:591-596
ISSN: 2059-8521
Popis: Hydride re-orientation in high burn-up PWR fuel rods was induced by high pressure at high temperatures. The high-burnup specimens were sectioned from PWR rods taken from a 15 × 15 assembly of the H.B. Robinson (HBR) Unit 2 reactor. Out-of cell benchmark tests performed on unirradiated hydrided Zircaloy-4 specimens were conducted to determine the appropriate temperature, pressure, cooling rate, and number of cooling cycles for the reorientation of the irradiated in-cell specimens. The in-cell hydride reorientation tests were performed using high-burnup fuel specimens under a hoop stress ≈ 145 MPa at 400°C. The specimens were heated to the target temperature of 400°C, held for 3 hours, cooled at l°C/min to 170°C,and then heated at l°C/min to the target temperature again for five cycles. Post test metallographic examinations showed that a significant amount of radial hydrides were induced in the HBR fuel rods. The length of radial hydride was up to 60 μm. For unirradiated materials, the ductility of the radial hydride treated specimens is significantly reduced as compared to the as-hydrided specimens having the same hydrogen concentration (≈300 wppm in this work). The mechanical testing on irradiated fueled samples with hydride reorientation experiments have been performed, and will be reported separately in the near future.
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