Caractéristiques des virémies persistantes de bas niveau des patients VIH-1 sous traitement antirétroviral de deuxième ligne au CHU Sourô Sanou de Bobo-Dioulasso (Burkina Faso)

Autor: Yaméogo I, Armel Poda, N. F. Kabore, Tani S, Séré H, K.A. Sondo, A.-S. Ouedraogo, Tarnagda Z, Naibi Ka, Jacques Zoungrana, Aristide Bado, Arsène Hema, Kyelem Cg
Rok vydání: 2018
Zdroj: Bulletin de la société de pathologie exotique. 111:161-166
ISSN: 0037-9085
Popis: We describe the characteristics of patients infected with HIV-1 as second-line antiretroviral therapy, with persisting low-level viremia. This was a descriptive retrospective study, conducted from January 1, 2010 to December 31, 2016, from the Cohort of the Infectious Diseases Department of Bobo-Dioulasso University Hospital. Patients infected with HIV-1, a second line of stable ARV treatment, with ≥95% compliance for at least 12 months, asymptomatic with CVp between 50 and 1000 copies/ml in two consecutive samplings at least 3 months apart. Out of 244 patients in second-line therapy, 79 met our inclusion criteria. The mean age of the patients was 42±10.2 years. Women (35.8 years) were younger than men (43.8 years) (p=0.001). Most were married (48.1%), 23.5% of whom were polygamous. The majority of patients (38/79) in the study had a CD4 count of
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