Information Technology: Development Testing of Prophet Mission-Critical Software

Autor: Cindy L. Gladden, David A. Brinkman, Kenneth H. Stavenjord, Peter C. Johnson, Anh H. Tran
Rok vydání: 2003
DOI: 10.21236/ada409379
Popis: This report is a review of the development testing of mission-critical software for the U.S. Army Prophet Engineering and Manufacturing Development (EMD) System and the Prophet Block I System. Prophet is a Division-Level ground based electronic surveillance system, which provides protection in a direct support role to the maneuver brigade; either stationary, or while on the move. The system monitors and exploits signals of interest and determines the area of signal origin by providing direction finding and line-of-bearing in the frequency range of 20 Megahertz to 2000 Megahertz. Prophet is operated in either the dismounted or mounted mode. In the dismounted mode Prophet is man-packed with a portable antenna. In the mounted mode Prophet is installed in an equipment enclosure carried on a High Mobility Multi-Purpose Wheeled Vehicle with the antennas attached to a retractable mast.
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