People in Nature

Autor: José M. V. Fragoso, Kirsten M. Silvius, Richard E. Bodmer
Rok vydání: 2004
Zdroj: People in Nature: Wildlife Conservation in South and Central America
DOI: 10.7312/silv12782
Popis: Introduction1. Wildlife Conservation and Management in South and Central America: Multiple Pressures and Innovative solutions, by Jos M. V. Fragoso, Richard E. Bodmer and Kirsten M. SilviusPart I. Local Peoples and Community Management 2. Wildlife management strategies with the Embera people in the Utria National Park, by Choc , Colombia, Astrid Ulloa, Claudia Campos, and Heidi Rubio-Torgler3. Bridging the gap between western scientific and traditional indigenous wildlife management, by Kirsten M. Silvius4. Techniques to increase community participation in wildlife management programs: general approaches, by Wendy R. Townsend5. Community-based wildlife management in the Gran Chaco, by Bolivia, Andrew J. Noss and Michael Painter6. Fisheries Management and Conservation in the Amazon V rzea Floodplain, by William G. R. Crampton, Leandro Castello and Joao Paulo Viana7. Fisheries Management in the Mamirau Sustainable Development Reserve, by William G. R. Crampton, Joao Paulo Viana, Leandro Castello and Jos Mar a B. Dam8. Hunting effort analysis by rural communities in Northeastern Peru, by Pablo E. Puertas and Richard E. BodmerPart II. Economic Considerations 9. Community management of fishery resources in the Mamirau Sustainable Development Reserve, by Amazonas, BrazilJoao Paulo Viana, Jos Maria B. Damasceno, Leandro Castello, Wi10. Community ownership and live Shearing of vicu as in Peru, by Catherine T. Sahley, Jorge Torres Vargas and Jes s S nchez Valdivia11. Captive breeding programs as an alternative for wildlife conservation in Brazil, by Sergio Nogueira-Filho and Selene Siqueira da Cunha Nogueira12. Economic Analysis of Wildlife Use in the Peruvian Amazon, by Richard Bodmer, and Eterzit Pezo Lozano and Tula G. FangPart III. Fragmentation and other non-harvest human impacts 13. Population management of mammals in Atlantic Forest fragments of Brazil, by Laury Cullen Jr., Richard E. Bodmer, Claudio Valladares-P dua, and Jonathan D. B14. Human pressure, by abundance and spatial distribution of Orinoco Crocodiles in the Cojedes River sy15. Impacts of Damming on Primate Community Sructure in the Amazon-A Case Study of the Samuel Dam, by Rond nia, Brazil, Rosa M. Lemos de S 16. Resource partitioning of pampas deer, by brocket deer and cattle in the Pantanal, Brazil, Laurenz Pinder17. Ecology and conservation of the Jaguar in Igua u National Park, by Peter G. Crawshaw Jr., Jan K. M hler, Cibele Indrusiak, Sandra M.C. Cavalcanti, 18. Local white-lipped peccary (Tayassu pecari) population declines in Amazonia: Migration, by overhunting or epidemic?, Jos M. V. FragosoPart IV. Hunting Impacts--biological basis and rationale for sustainability 19. Evaluating the sustainability of hunting in the Neotropics, by Richard E. Bodmer and John G. Robinson20. Hunting sustainability of ungulate populations in the Lacandon forest, by Mexico, Eduardo J. Naranjo, Jorge E. Bola os, Michelle M. Guerra, and Richard E.21. Title: Conservation of economically important birds in seasonally-flooded forests of the northeastern Peruvian Amazon, by Jos A. Gonz lez22. Patterns of use and hunting of turtles in the Mamirau Sustainable Development Reserve, by Amazonas, Brazil, Augusto Fachin Teran, Richard C. Vogt, and John B. Thorbjarnar23. Fisheries, by Fishing Effort and Fish Consumption in the Pacaya-Samiria National Reserve and i24. Title: Implications of the spatial structure of game populations for the sustainability of hunting in the Neotropics, by Andr s J. Novaro25. Hunting and wildlife management in French Guiana: Current aspects and future prospects, by C cile Richard-Hansen and Eric Hansen
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