Linear Software Models: An Occam’s Razor Set of Algebraic Connectors Integrates Modules into a Whole Software System

Autor: Iaakov Exman, Harel Wallach
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering. 30:1375-1413
ISSN: 1793-6403
DOI: 10.1142/s0218194020400185
Popis: Well-designed software systems, with providers only modules, have been rigorously obtained by algebraic procedures from the software Laplacian Matrices or their respective Modularity Matrices. However, a complete view of the whole software system should display, besides provider relationships, also consumer relationships. Consumers may have two different roles in a system: either internal or external to modules. Composite modules, including both providers and internal consumers, are obtained from the joint providers and consumers Laplacian matrix, by the same spectral method which obtained providers only modules. The composite modules are integrated into a whole Software System by algebraic connectors. These algebraic connectors are a minimal Occam’s razor set of consumers external to composite modules, revealed through iterative splitting of the Laplacian matrix by Fiedler eigenvectors. The composite modules, of the respective standard Modularity Matrix for the whole software system, also obey linear independence of their constituent vectors, and display block-diagonality. The spectral method leading to composite modules and their algebraic connectors is illustrated by case studies. The essential novelty of this work resides in the minimal Occam’s razor set of algebraic connectors — another facet of Brooks’ Propriety principle leading to Conceptual Integrity of the whole Software System — within Linear Software Models, the unified algebraic theory of software modularity.
Databáze: OpenAIRE