Quantum-chemical study on the relation between thermodynamic parameters in the iodination of benzene with N-I and O-I reagents and pK a values of the corresponding NH and oh acids

Autor: V. K. Chaikovskii, A. A. Funk
Rok vydání: 2010
Zdroj: Russian Journal of Organic Chemistry. 46:533-538
ISSN: 1608-3393
Popis: Thermodynamic parameters of direct iodination of benzene with several iodinating agents were calculated using semiempirical (PM3), ab initio (3-21G**), and DFT (B3LYP/LanL2DZ) methods, as well as in terms of the polarization continuum model (PCM or Tomasi model). A close to linear correlation was found between the calculated thermodynamic parameters (ΔH ≠ , ΔG ≠ ) and pKT and experimental pKa values of acids whose anions are incorporated into iodine-containing intermediates.
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