Адреногенітальний синдром: молекулярні механізми розвитку

Autor: V.P. Pishak, M.O. Ryznychuk
Rok vydání: 2021
ISSN: 2307-1427
Popis: On the long multistage pathway of biosynthesis of steroid hormones from cholesterol to cortisol, testo­sterone and estradiol, due to mutations in genes, there is the deficiency of steroidogenesis enzymes in the adrenal glands: cholesterol desmolase, 3β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase, 17α-hydroxylase, 21-hydroxylase, and enzymes of steroidogenesis in the testis: 17,20-desmolasis, 17β-hydroxystyrol dehydroreductase and others, as well as a complex of widespread congenital diseases of heterogeneous group with autosomal recessive type of inheritance — adrenogenital syndrome (AGS). Deficiency of any of these enzymes or transport proteins leads to partial or complete loss of their activity. Phenotypic manifestations of AGS are quite polymorphic: phenomenon of hypoadrenocorticism; violation of the nature and rates of sexual development; bilateral increasing of adrenal glands; hypercorticotropinemia sensitive to dexamethasone; oligo- or amenorrhea; anovulatory infertility, miscarriage in early pregnancy. Pathogenetic component of these signs is congenital disorder of steroidogenesis caused by 11β-hydroxylase deficiency and symptoms of androgen excess. In AGS, there are distinguished a phenotype and nonclassical forms of steroidogenesis enzyme deficiency. In most cases, both types of diseases occur in persons of both sexes with different course — from mild to severe forms of the disease.
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