W-Fold Throw Trap: A folding, Transportable 1-m2Throw Trap for Use in Densely Vegetated Aquatic Habitats

Autor: David J. Yozzo, Chris Cotroneo
Rok vydání: 2010
Zdroj: Journal of Freshwater Ecology. 25:73-78
ISSN: 2156-6941
Popis: We designed and constructed an aluminum-sided, folding I-m2 throw trap with a deep-water extension and a folding aluminum-framed bar seine that can be easily transported to remote locations and used to sample densely vegetated aquatic habitat. We call it the W-fold throw trap, after the folding design. The gear was used to sample fish and macrocrustacean habitats of New York's Great Swamp, a temperate riverine swamp located in the northeastern United States. A total of 717 fishes and crayfishes representing 18 taxa was collected in 155 samples of submersed and emergent vegetation using this trap. Overall mean density of nekton collected was 4.6 specimens per m2. In emergent vegetation mean density was 4.1 specimens per m2, while in submersed vegetation mean density was 5.2 specimens per m2. Throw trap clearing efficiency tests yielded an overall mean recovery efficiency of 98.9% for three fish and macrocrustacean species commonly collected in the study area.
Databáze: OpenAIRE