Real-space characterization of reactivity towards water at theBi2Te3(111) surface

Autor: Zhen-Yu Jia, Shichao Li, Ding Ding, Ye-Heng Song, Chao-Long Yang, Kai-Wen Zhang, Shao-Chun Li, Zihua Zhu, Yuan Gan, Mingshu Chen, Wen-Kai Huang, Jinsheng Wen, Xiang-Bing Li
Rok vydání: 2016
Zdroj: Physical Review B. 93
ISSN: 2469-9969
Popis: Surface reactivity is important in modifying the physical and chemical properties of surface-sensitive materials, such as the topological insulators. Even though many studies addressing the reactivity of topological insulators towards external gases have been reported, it is still under heavy debate whether and how the topological insulators react with ${\mathrm{H}}_{2}\mathrm{O}$. Here, we employ scanning tunneling microscopy to directly probe the surface reaction of $\mathrm{B}{\mathrm{i}}_{2}\mathrm{T}{\mathrm{e}}_{3}$ towards ${\mathrm{H}}_{2}\mathrm{O}$. Surprisingly, it is found that only the top quintuple layer is reactive to ${\mathrm{H}}_{2}\mathrm{O}$, resulting in a hydrated Bi bilayer as well as some Bi islands, which passivate the surface and prevent subsequent reaction. A reaction mechanism is proposed with ${\mathrm{H}}_{2}\mathrm{Te}$ and hydrated Bi as the products. Unexpectedly, our study indicates that the reaction with water is intrinsic and not dependent on any surface defects. Since water inevitably exists, these findings provide key information when considering the reactions of $\mathrm{B}{\mathrm{i}}_{2}\mathrm{T}{\mathrm{e}}_{3}$ with residual gases or atmosphere.
Databáze: OpenAIRE