Monitoramento, vazamentos e anonimato nas revoluções democráticas das redes sociais da internet

Autor: Henrique Antoun, Fabio Malini
Rok vydání: 2012
Zdroj: Fronteiras – estudos midiáticos. 14
ISSN: 1984-8226
DOI: 10.4013/fem.2012.142.01
Popis: Censorship in the modern disciplinary society was characterized by a negative prohibition of narrating certain events in certain ways and by a positive obligation to recount certain events within a particular way of interpreting. The figure of the officer bureaucrat, in the form of the censor, characterized this mode of exercise leadership in the sphere of social consensus. The censor inserted between the medium and its audience became the final editor of the stories published. In postmodernity the monitoring of what is said through different channels, the way advertising consensus building and the use of advocacy services through the laws that revolve around the issue of intellectual property to exert control over the narrative. The Internet allows full monitoring and the leakage of information that circulates anonymously, preventing the advocacy control of movement narratives. The biopolitical struggles through the anonymity and candor make it worth casting as a means of struggle to build new democratic ways of living and governing. Key words: internet, cyberculture, protests.
Databáze: OpenAIRE