Elucidating the Evolutionary History ofOenotheraSect.Pachylophus(Onagraceae): A Phylogenomic Approach

Autor: Jeremie B. Fant, Krissa A. Skogen, Warren L. Wagner, Norman J. Wickett, Robert A. Raguso, Rachel A. Levin, Amanda Patsis, Rick P. Overson, Matthew G. Johnson
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: Systematic Botany. 46:799-811
ISSN: 0363-6445
Popis: —Oenotherasect.Pachylophushas proven to be a valuable system in which to study plant-insect coevolution and the drivers of variation in floral morphology and scent. Current species circumscriptions based on morphological characteristics suggest that the section consists of five species, one of which is subdivided into five subspecies. Previous attempts to understand species (and subspecies) relationships at a molecular level have been largely unsuccessful due to high levels of incomplete lineage sorting and limited phylogenetic signal from slowly evolving gene regions. In the present study, target enrichment was used to sequence 322 conserved protein-coding nuclear genes from 50 individuals spanning the geographic range ofOenotherasect.Pachylophus, with species trees inferred using concatenation and coalescent-based methods. Our findings concur with previous research in suggesting thatO. psammophilaandO. harringtoniiare nested within a paraphyleticOenothera cespitosa. By contrast, our results show clearly that the two annual species (O. cavernaeandO. brandegeei) did not arise from theO. cespitosalineage, but rather from a common ancestor ofOenotherasect.Pachylophus. Budding speciation as a result of edaphic specialization appears to best explain the evolution of the narrow endemic speciesO. harringtoniiandO. psammophila. Complete understanding of possible introgression among subspecies ofO. cespitosawill require broader sampling across the full geographical and ecological ranges of these taxa.
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