Gamma-activation analysis of nitrogen solubility in alumosilicates at high pressure and temperature

Autor: S. N. Shilobreeva, B. A. Chapyzhnikov, Yu. M. Tsipenyuk, V. P. Kolotov, A. A. Kadik
Rok vydání: 1997
Zdroj: Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry. 217:261-265
ISSN: 1588-2780
Popis: A solubility of nitrogen in natural basalts and synthesized albite at 1250 °C and 3 kbar was studied by γ-activation method based on the reaction14N(γ,n)13N with radiochemical separation of nitrogen by high-temperature extraction at 1800 °C. Detection limit of 0.2 μg in the samples of 15–20 mg weight is obtained. The investigation originated from the study of processes of accumulation and redistribution of nitrogen in rock-forming alumosilicate melt of the Earth mantle. The dependence of nitrogen solubility on the oxygen volatility and pressure were obtained (within 1–3 kbar in the presence of IW buffer [iron(Fe)-wustite(FeO)]) and NNO (Ni−NiO), and essential effect of the composition of the initial matrix was found. Special attention was given to standards, background, interference reactions, reliability and accuracy of the results.
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