Chapter 5 The 454 Life Sciences Picoliter Sequencing System

Autor: James R. Knight, Marcel Margulies, Thomas Jarvie, Jan Fredrik Simons
Rok vydání: 2007
Popis: We describe a novel sequencing system with a 100-fold improvement in throughput over state-of-the-art capillary electrophoresis instruments. The apparatus uses a single 60×60 mm 2 fiber optic slide containing 1,600,000 individual 75 pL wells and routinely generates 25 million bases of sequence in one 4-h run. When applied to bacterial genomes, it achieves consensus accuracies of better than 99.99%, at an average 12-fold depth of coverage. A single library preparation is sufficient to sequence an entire genome. We describe here the components of this system, the sequencing of several bacterial genomes and their de novo shotgun assembly. We also discuss a few early applications of this system in comparative genomics and the sequencing of PCR-generated products. Based on current performance and modeling of the existing system, we predict that the system's inherent scalability will lead to two additional orders of magnitude improvement in throughput, possibly enabling routine sequencing of individual human genomes.
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