The TUM/LRT electromagnetic launchers

Autor: U. Weishaupt, H. Kuczera, S. Aigner, M. Rott, A. Hudepohl, Eduard Igenbergs
Rok vydání: 1986
Zdroj: IEEE Transactions on Magnetics. 22:1536-1541
ISSN: 0018-9464
Popis: In the laboratory of the Lehrstuhl fur Raumfahrttechnik LRT (Astronautical Institute) of the Technische Universitat Munchen TUM (Technical University Munich) different types of electromagnetic launchers are being developed and operated : (1) An electromagnetic accelerator which accelerates particles in the mass range of 10-8g < m < 10 g to velocities up to 500 m/s ; (2) an electrothermal accelerator, where particles of masses of 10-4g < m < 10-1g reach velocities up to 3 km/s ; (3)a rail gun which accelerates particles in the mass range of 10-1g < m < 10 g up to 3,5 km/s ; (4) a plasma-dynamic launcher where particles in the mass range of 10-8g < m < 10-3g can be accelerated to velocities up to 20 km/s. All these systems use a fast, low inductance capacitor bank for energy storage. The first section of this paper gives a description of the four accelerator systems together with the present performance data and limitations. The current development work is discussed. In the second section the plasma diagnostics, that are used in the accelerator types (2), (3) and (4) are described together with the plasma shielding, that is necessary in the impact section. The next section describes the specific impact diagnostics, that had to be developed for the plasma accelerator. In the final section the research programs are described, in which these electro-magnetic accelerators are used.
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