
Autor: Thibodeaux, Jordan, Shelton, Dylan, Williams, Garrett, Easley, Sarah, Khatri, Grishma, Davenport, McKenzie, Albanawy, Amal
Rok vydání: 2022
DOI: 10.17605/
Popis: This study aims to replicate De Neys original study of participant’s substitution bias through two math questions in varying order, and then asking the participants to rate their confidence in their answers. The problems we will add to the replication study as our own were used in Sacha Bourgeois-Gironde, Jean-Baptiste Van Der Henst (2009), in which the authors attempted to get access to automatic responding by presenting more information that could assist the participant. The problems are presented to participants after the De Ney’s et al. protocol, and are counterbalanced (half participants will receive two item question first then one item, and the other half will receive one item then two item). Each condition will be comprised of 25 students, so approximately 100 students in the study total. These problems are presented with a rating of confidence question. The survey will be given online via Qualtrics for easier access as well as face-to-face in classrooms. We hypothesize students will rate their confidence higher when the substitution is absent when compared to the substitution being present. We also hypothesize with multiple choice options, the accuracy in answers will be improved and confidence will be highest.
Databáze: OpenAIRE