Critical Experiments with Solid Neutron Absorbers and Water-Moderated Fast Test Reactor Fuel Pins

Autor: B.M. Durst, J.F. Mincey, E. D. Clayton, S. R. Bierman
Rok vydání: 1980
Zdroj: Nuclear Technology. 48:128-149
ISSN: 1943-7471
Popis: A series of experiments was performed at the Battelle-Pacific Northwest Laboratories on water-flooded arrays of Fast Test Reactor fuel elements (PuO/sub 2/-UO/sub 2/) intermixed with solid neutron absorbers. The objective of these experiments was to provide reliable experiment data that could be used to benchmark computer codes and calculational schemes commonly used in criticality analysis of such systems. The neutron absorbers used were cadmium and Boral plates and gadolinium cylindrical rods. Critical array sizes were determined for square lattice pitches ranging from 9.7 to 24.9 mm, corresponding to water-to-fuel volume ratios of 3.5 to approx. 31 (hydrogen atom to fissile atom ratios of 58 to 473). For both systems, poisoned and unpoisoned, the minimum number of rods required for criticality occurred at a lattice pitch of approx. 20.5 mm, which also corresponds to a water-to-fuel volume ratio of 20.5.
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