Synthesis of polysiloxaneurethane polymers by the aromatic isocyanate-activated opening of the octamethyltetrasiloxane ring via an anionic mechanism

Autor: V. F. Shkodich, I. M. Davletbaeva, A. F. Galyautdinova, A. M. Gumerov
Rok vydání: 2010
Zdroj: Theoretical Foundations of Chemical Engineering. 44:150-161
ISSN: 1608-3431
DOI: 10.1134/s0040579510020053
Popis: Here, we present the results of the study of the interaction in the octamethylcyclotetrasiloxane-aromatic isocyanate-open coupling analogues system of crown ethers containing terminal hydroxyl and potassium alkoxide groups. It was found that the involvement of the organosiloxane cycle in the polymerization process precedes the opening of the isocyanate groups on the carbonyl component. It is shown that the formation of transverse cross-linking bonds in the polymer formation system is caused by the parallel reaction of cyclotrimerization. It is found that the ratio of the reaction rate constants of the copolymerization and the parallel reactions of cyclotrimerization and urethane formation depend on the synthesis temperature.
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